Someone once told us a story of how he found himself in one serious situation that had defied all solutions. It got to a point that he had to write a letter to a notable man of God in America to seek for help. In the end, he got his liberation from Proverbs 18:24 which says “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” That was the verse that broke his chain!
The focus of this third edition on the series is God’s provisions for overcoming secret sinful habits that have plagued your life. No matter how long you have been in that stronghold, the revelation of God’s word will liberate you. This is possible when God opens your eyes to a verse or passage of the scripture that has been written to address your peculiar problem. That verse may not mean so much to anyone else, but God will make it to have so much impact on your soul such that your chains will just fall off. May God lead you to where your deliverance is in His word in Jesus’ name – Amen!
“Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;” Hebrew 5:7. You can imagine what kind of prayer Jesus prayed in that verse. It was such an agonizing prayer that attracted heaven’s attention. My friend, when you get to the hedge point of your struggles and your spirit cries out to God who is able to save your soul from that body of death, your deliverance will come! Sinful habits require violent prayers!
The enabling power of the Holy Spirit that quickened Jesus from the dead is there to quicken you as you totally yield to Him in full and genuine repentance (Read Romans 8:11). The power of the Blood of Jesus also remains a potent weapon to fight that demon holding you down in that secret sinful habit. The prayer of anointed men of God is sure to also bring the deliverance. All of these will secure your release provided your will is involved Go back and read part 2).