The insatiable longing of every soul is meaningful fellowship, peace and trust. God in search for relational creation breathe Himself into man and desires a union beyond material temple worship, charity or humanitarian services to a personal appropriation of His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary, which is the perfect remedy for sin, yokes and burdens. The new life in Christ births the new man void of negative habits, addictions or captivity to sin. Connecting with God begins with realization of the need to fill a void (deep seated vacuum) which neither wealth; pleasure nor education can satisfy. A life dislocated from the eternal Creator is like a fountain disconnected from its source. Little wonder the draught, leanness and famine in your soul. The only remedy to your restlessness and innermost longing for love, trust and fellowship is connection with God. He is aware of this need and desires to help you find peace.
Join me in this prayer right now: “Father, I acknowledge I have ignored your essence in my life. I have tried and failed to obtain happiness and genuine satisfaction through pleasure, addiction and goodwill. I am tired of struggling to live life on my own terms. Please, have mercy on me. I know you love me and died for my sins. You had me in mind when you hung on the cross. Please accept me as your child Lord and cleanse my heart with your blood. Give me the grace and power to overcome my weaknesses, addictions and past sins. Write my name in ‘The Book of Life’ and help me connect with you. Bring me into fellowship through your Word and Son. Thank you for answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name – Amen!